
?Gallirallus sp. nov. ‘Taongi’

Bokak rail, Taongi rail



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status




Bokak Atoll (=Taongi Atoll), Marshall Islands


Biology & Ecology










Irmer, G. (1895). Letter Kaiserlicher Landshauptmann für das Schutzgebiet derMarschall Inseln Dr. Georg Irmer to Reichskanzler Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst. Trip report on a voyage to Bikar and Bokak. Letter dated Jaluit 14 December 1895. In Auswärtiges Amt Kolonial-Abtheilung AIIIActen betreffend Deutsche Südsee Phosphat Gesellschaft. Gesellschaftenund Vereine 10f N. 4. File 2459 Vol 1. June 1906 to 15 March 1907. NationalLibrary of Australia, Microfilm MfM G 8525.

Spennemann, Dirk H. R. (1998). A note on a 19th century sighting of a ground-dwelling bird on Bokak, the northernmost atoll of the Marshall Islands. Corella 17(1): 44-45.


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