
Justicia gardineri Turrill (1917:286)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Missing (Senterre et al., 2013:19)

Last (and only) record: pre-1918 (Labiche-Barreau & Senterre, 2012)


Distribution & Habitat

Silhouette, Seychelles


Anatomy & Morphology



Biology & Ecology










Castle, G. E. (1994). Flore des Seychelles Dicotylédones: 1-663. Orstom Editions.

Gerlach, Justin, Matyot, P. and Saaristo, M. (1997). Silhouette species list. Phelsuma 5(supplement A): 1-42 [8].

Labiche-Barreau, Nicole and Senterre, Bruno. (2012). Impact of the Herbarium Project on local expertise in plant identification: the example of Acanthaceae. Kapisen 13: 14-15.

Senterre, Bruno, Henriette, Elvina, Chong-Seng, Lindsay, Gerlach, Justin, Mougal, James, Vel, Terence and Rocamora, Gérard. (2013). Seychelles Key Biodiversity Areas - Output 6: Patterns of conservation value in the Inner Islands. Consultancy Report, Ministry of Environment UNDP-GEF project, Victoria, Seychelles. 65 pp.


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