
Tulipa aximensis E.P.Perrier & Songeon (1894:435)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonyms: Tulipa planifolia proles aximensis (E.P.Perrier & Songeon) Rouy in G.Rouy & J.Foucaud, Fl. France 12: 396 (1910); Tulipa planifolia var. aximensis (E.P.Perrier & Songeon) P.Fourn. in Quatre Fl. France: 165 (1935)


This alleged taxon is a synonym of either T. gesneriana (Tutin et al., 1980; Zonneveld, 2009; POWO, 2018 fide Humphreys et al., 2019) or T. agenensis (Christenhusz et al., 2013; Everett, 2013; POWO, 2024). Christenhusz et al. (2013) treat it as a cultivar of T. agenensis, as T. agenensis 'Aximensis'.


Conservation Status

Invalid (synonym of T. gesneriana) (Tutin et al., 1980; Zonneveld, 2009; POWO, 2018 fide Humphreys et al., 2019) or (synonym of T. agenensis) (Christenhusz et al., 2013; Everett, 2013; POWO, 2024).



western Alps (Savoy region), France


Biology & Ecology










Christenhusz, M. J. M., Govaerts, R., David, J. C., Hall, T., Borland, K., Roberts, P. S., Tuomisto, A., Buerki, S., Chase, M. W. and Fay, M. F. (2013). Tiptoe through the tulips - cultural history, molecular phylogenetics and classification of Tulipa (Liliaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172(3): 280-328.

Everett, D. (2013). The genus Tulipa Tulips of the world: 1-380. Kew publishing, Kew.

Humphreys, Aelys M., Govaerts, Rafaël, Ficinski, Sarah Z., Lughadha, Eimear Nic and Vorontsova, Maria S. (2019). Global dataset shows geography and life form predict modern plant extinction and rediscovery. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3: 1043-1047. [Supplementary Dataset 1]

POWO. (2018). Plants of the World online. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

POWO. (2024). Tulipa agenensis Redouté. Plants of the World Online (online resource). Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom. Available at: [Accessed 2 February 2024]

Tison, J.-M. and de Foucault, B. [coord.]. (2014). Flora Gallica. Flore de France. Biotope Éditions, Mèze. xx + 1196 pp. [p. 159]

Tutin, T. G. et al. (eds.). (1980). Flora Europaea 5: 1-452. Cambridge University Press.

Tutin, T. G. et al. (eds.). (1995). Flora Europaea electonic dataset.

UICN France, FCBN & MNHN. (2012). La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France - Chapitre Flore vasculaire de France métropolitaine : premiers résultats pour 1 000 espèces, sous-espèces et variétés. Dossier électronique.

Vinciguerra, L. and Delahaye, T. (2006). Programme de conservation des tulipes de Savoie : stratégie conservatoire et réimplantations in situ. Bulletin de la Société mycologique et botanique de la région chambérienne, 11: 45-55.

Walter, Kerry S. and Gillett, Harriet J. (eds.). (1998). 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. Compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK: IUCN – The World Conservation Union. lxiv + 862 pp.

Zonneveld, B. J. M. (2009). The systematic value of nuclear genome size for "all" species of Tulipa L. (Liliaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 281: 217-245.


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