
Lindsaea malabarica (Bedd.) Baker ex C.Chr. (1931:295)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Rediscovered after c.120 years (Nair & Bhargavan, 1985)





Anatomy & Morphology



Biology & Ecology










Dixit, R. D. (1984). A Census of Indian Pteridophytes. Botanical Survey of India, Howrah.

Dixit, R. D. (1986). IAP Pteridophyte conservation data form: Lindsaea malabarica (Bedd.) Bak. ex C. Chr 12 September 1986. (unpublished).

Dixit, R. D. and Ghosh, B. (1983). The genus Lindsaea Dryand ex Sm. in India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Pl. Sci.) 92(3): 233-258, f. 1-47.

Manickam, V. S. and Irudayaraj, V. (1992). Pteridophyte flora of the Western ghats- South India. B.I. Publications, New Delhi.

Nair, N. C. and Bhargavan, P. (1985). Recent finds of five rare or little known pteridophytes from Silent Valley and neighbourhood. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 6(2): 267-270.

Nair, N. C., Ghosh, S. R. and Bhargavan, P. (1992). Fern-allies and Ferns of Kerala, India Part 3. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 16: 501-550.

Nayar, M. P. and Sastry, A. R. K. (compilers). (1987, reprinted 2000). Red Data Book of Indian Plants. Volume 1. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. xiii + 367 pp, 16 pls, figs. [pp. 364]

Nayar, M. P. and Sastry, A. R. K. (compilers). (1988, reprinted 2000). Red Data Book of Indian Plants. Volume 2. Calcutta: Botanical Survey of India. 268 pp. [p. 263]

Rao, C. Kameswara, Geetha, B. L. and Suresh, Geetha. (2003). Red List of Threatened Vascular Plant Species in India: Compiled from the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. ENVIS Centre on Floral Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata. xxiv + 144 pp. [automatic download]


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